

ENTP 2w1 (The Complete Guide)

ENTPs have a special place in the MBTIverse. ENTP 2w1s will warm your hearts even more. Looking to learn more about ENTP 2w1? You’re...

ENTJ 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

ENTJs are now the rarest personality type in the world. When...

3w2 vs 3w4- Similarities and Differences

When you’re a type 3, it's natural to want to know...

ESFJ 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

ESFJs are the consuls of the MBTI world. Simply put, they...

INTP 2w3 (The Complete Guide)

Ever heard a discussion about some of the rarest MBTI and...

INTP 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

INTPs come in different shades and variations. One of those variations...

ENTJ 3w4 (The Complete Guide)

The need to be successful is ingrained in every type 3....

INFJ 4w3 (The Complete Guide)

INFJs can be quite mysterious. The situation gets more intriguing when...

ENFJ 3w4 (The Complete Guide)

ENFJs are simply brilliant. They are great motivators and seem to...

ENFJ 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

I had a friend in college who was an ENFJ 3w2....

ENFJ 2w3 (The Complete Guide)

Nicknamed the protagonists, ENFJs are inspiring and charismatic. When compared with...