
type 2

INFP 8w9 (The Complete Guide)

The INFP 8w9 is rare but golden. They are stubborn, rugged, and protective, but there’s more. If you want to learn more about the...

INTJ 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

INTJ 3w2s defy the INTJ stereotype in many ways. Want to...

1w2 vs 2w1- Similarities and Differences

1w2 vs 2w1 comparisons can be confusing. I know all about...

ESTP 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

The ultimate showperson. ESTP 3w2 lives for the limelight and adoration....

INFP 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

INFPs are the mediators of the MBTI. When compared with the...

3w2 vs 2w3- Similarities and Differences

3w2 vs 2w3 can be confusing especially if you have a...

1w2 vs 1w9- Differences and Similarities

1w2 vs 1w9. If you’re a type 1, this comparison will...

3w2 vs 3w4- Similarities and Differences

When you’re a type 3, it's natural to want to know...

INTP 2w3 (The Complete Guide)

Ever heard a discussion about some of the rarest MBTI and...

INTP 3w2 (The Complete Guide)

INTPs come in different shades and variations. One of those variations...

INTJ 1w2 (The Complete Guide)

INTJs come in different shades. One of those shades is the...