ESFJ 1w9 (The Complete Guide)

ESFJ 1w9

If there’s one word I’ll use to describe the ESFJ 1w9, it’s balance and perfectionism. However, there’s so much more to learn about this personality type.

Here’s the good news. I’m here to tell you all about it. This article discusses the ESFJ 1w9 and what you can expect from them.

Who is the ESFJ 1w9?

There’s a lot of perfectionism that comes with being an ESFJ 1w9. They have pretty high standards they try to live up to. When this is combined with the extroverted feeling (Fe) function, life can become hectic.

The presence of their wing (type 9) balances things out. So, ESFJ 1w9s can take time off to recover. While these periods might make them feel imperfect, their bodies force them to take a break. ESFJs are usually people-centric, but the presence of type 1 changes this and a lot more.

ESFJ 1w9 is slightly more likely to be assertive than turbulent. This is because type 1s are more expressive, and ESFJs are super extroverts. There was never going to be another outcome.

What is the Core Desire of the  ESFJ 1w9?

The core desire of the ESFJ 1w9 is to be perfect and be seen as perfect. In other words, they want to do the right thing and also want the status of doing the right thing.

This is similar to type 3s, who want to be successful and to be seen as successful.

What is the Core Fear of the ESFJ 1w9?

The core fear of the ESFJ 1w9 is being corrupt or being seen as corrupt. This is understandable, as ESFJ 1w9s do not just want to avoid corruption. They want the recognition of being pure.

As we shall soon see, this can be a struggle.

How the 1w9 Changes the Natural Tendencies of the ESFJ

1.   Fe vs. Type 1: The Balancing Act

The presence of Fe makes ESFJs more selfless and people-oriented. In other words, they find it easy to serve others or make compromises. Type 1 is different because they stand firm on their principles and ideals.

So, ESFJ 1w9s are often caught in the middle, trying to balance out the selfless tendencies of the ESFJ and the assertive side of type 1s.

These two sides are only in agreement when some form of injustice has been done.

2.   Super Disciplined with a Twist

ESFJs are a disciplined bunch, and this goes up a notch with ESFJ 1w9s. They are more aware of complacency and work really hard to be seen as reliable.

However, the presence of type 9 means there will be periods when this personality type crashes. When this happens, discipline, reliability, and everything else go out the window.

I believe it’s a way of ensuring they don’t burn out.

3.   More Assertive

As mentioned earlier, type 1 is more assertive. So, ESFJ 1w9s are usually more outspoken. This is different because typical ESFJs would hold their tongue to keep the peace. ESFJ 1w9s will speak up, but not up to the point where a relationship is ruined.

If they do ruin a relationship, know it’s been a long time coming.

4.   Healthier Boundaries

Because ESFJ 1w9s are more interested in their values, they also have fewer issues with people-pleasing. In other words, they are more comfortable with saying no and setting boundaries.

This has its pros. ESFJ 1w9s are often in more control of their lives. They also tend to be happier than typical ESFJs, but only just.

5.   Slightly More Traditional

ESFJs are sensors. Thus, they often put norms and traditions on a higher pedestal. ESFJ 1w9s are slightly more traditional. The presence of type 1 makes them less adaptable and tolerant.

This means that rules matter even more to them. They tend to follow the rules and their principles throughout their lives.

While this is true, the presence of their wing means things will never spiral out of control.

6.   More Financially Prudent

ESFJs are not bad financially. While this is true, they often give generously without thinking of the financial repercussions.

ESFJ 1w9s are different. Because they have healthier boundaries and are perfectionists, they often have their budgets under lock and key.

This has its pros, as they are often less likely to go broke.

New Weaknesses of the ESFJ 1w9

1.   Emotional Anger

The problems of ESFJ 1w9s start with anger. Like all types 1 and 9, ESFJ 1w9s are in the anger triad. This means that anger is usually the first emotion they experience.

ESFJ 1w9s tend to internalize this anger but lash out at others. When their wing is strong, there will be times when they suppress their anger. For example, they might suppress it when trying to keep the peace.

However, they have shorter fuses when compared with typical ESFJs. So, there’s always an outburst in the pipeline.

2.   The Need for Affirmation

ESFJ 1w9s will need some affirmation, but not in the same way as typical ESFJs. While other ESFJs are often concerned about how indispensable they are to people, ESFJ 1w9s are often more concerned about how people perceive their morality.

In other words, they want to be seen as pure and good. Anything less can make them feel depressed and a tad erratic.

It’s not a good look.

3.   Workaholics

Granted, ESFJ 1w9s will have better boundaries. Nevertheless, they will work even harder than typical ESFJs because they tend to be reliable on both fronts, working twice as hard for themselves and others.

The biggest loser is usually their mental and physical health, as ESFJ 1w9s try to push through their tasks. The presence of type 9 often serves as a buffer, limiting the potential impact on their bodies.

4.   The Balancing Act Can Be a Struggle

Remember how we said it’s often a balancing act between the Fe function and type 1? Well, it is, and the end result can be awesome if handled right. However, the process is a struggle as both feelings are alive in their minds.

In other words, they are often torn between those two strong desires. Whatever option they choose, they can’t win.

ESFJ 1w9 in Love/Compatibility

Are you in love or married to an ESFJ 1w9? Here are some things you should know

1.   Values are Better Aligned

ESFJ 1w9s have strong values, so they often have to be tactful about others. If these values are not shared, then they also have to face the same issues at home.

This can make them tired and miserable. They might also have less patience at home to deal with disagreements. If you are dating an ESFJ 1w9, it’s crucial you share some values.

If you don’t, it’s going to be a lot harder to make things work.

2.   Be Supportive of their Work

ESFJ 1w9 will be busy with a lot of projects throughout their life. If you’re with them, be supportive. Understand their love for perfectionism and reassure them when they doubt their abilities.

Your support for their work will never be forgotten. Instead, it will make your bond stronger.

3.   Compatibility

ESFJ’s natural partners in the MBTI are INFPs and ISFPs. Type 1 is compatible with types 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9. They can also be compatible with any other type who shares their values.

Regardless of their compatibility preferences, any two mature persons can make a relationship work.

4.   Love Languages

Words of affirmation and quality time are usually among ESFJ 1w9’s top three love languages. This makes sense, as they usually want some form of reassurance about how they are perceived.

Spending quality time with their partner makes them happier and allows them to relax. If you’re dating an ESFJ 1w9, these are some things that can really help.

ESFJ 1w9 in the Workplace

ESFJs are selfless people who want to enjoy their jobs. They do well with constant interactions with clients and jobs that require them to use their hands.

ESFJ 1w9s are the same. They also want a career that has a bigger impact on life. ESFJ 1w9s do well, irrespective of their work environment. This makes them adaptable and reliable in the workplace.

Ensure their role allows them to interact with others to get the best out of the ESFJ 1w9.

Best Careers for the ESFJ 1w9

  • Professor
  • Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Attorney
  • Human Rights Activist
  • Mechanic
  • Chauffeur
  • Financial Analyst
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Arbitrator
  • Mediator
  • Editor
  • Electrician

Worst Careers for the ESFJ 1w9

  • Recreation Officer
  • Software Engineer
  • Programmer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer

Famous People/Fictional/ Anime Characters that Might Be ESFJ 1w9

  • Sam Walton
  • Hector
  • Patricia Clarkson
  • Melchizedek (Biblical Figure)
  • Barbara Schöneberger
  • Luiz Felipe Scolari
  • Richard Attenborough
  • Artur Dziambor
  • John Debney
  • Crown Princess Diana (For My Derelict Beloved)
  • Izzy (Love is Blind S5)
  • Cordelia (Tiamo)
  • Maggie Lang (MCU: Everyone Else)

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