The Depressed ENTP- The Struggle of Sharing

depressed ENTP

ENTPs are usually positive. Their attitude is usually described as infectious. Yet, like all humans, a depressed ENTP is very possible. When this happens, things can go downhill really quickly.

It’s important that you know how to deal with depression as an ENTP. If you’re a close friend of the ENTP, it’s important to know how to help them.

Both issues will be discussed in this article.

Who is the Depressed ENTP?

A depressed ENTP is an ENTP who suffers from clinical depression. This is a serious mood disorder marked by persistent sadness over a long period. An ENTP experiencing depression will feel unmotivated, out of depth, and worthless.

The problem with a depressed ENTP is that all these things are happening beneath the surface. A depressed ENTP, depending on their enneagram type, might still show up looking super happy. Thus, friends or loved ones usually find out too late about their depression.

I understand how this feels because I’m an ENTP myself. It can be hard to trust others and be vulnerable with them.

So, writing this article is a bit personal to me. It will guide you on how to identify depression as an ENTP and the steps you need to take to recover.

Depressed ENTP vs Unhealthy ENTP- What’s the Difference?

First, you should know the difference between an unhealthy ENTP and a depressed ENTP. An unhealthy ENTP is a stressed ENTP. It is usually caused by extreme burnout or negative circumstances that can temporarily disrupt an ENTP’s life.

However, unhealthiness is often short-lived and handled by the ENTP. Once the problems causing it are removed, things usually get back to normal. This is different with depressed ENTPs. They might experience consistent sadness and will struggle to overcome it alone.

It might also be marked with denial and pretense by the ENTP. Depression is more serious than unhealthiness. If you are depressed, seek medical assistance immediately.

How Does a Depressed ENTP Act?

Please note that the presence of one of these signs IS NOT enough to prove you have depression. It’s always best to get diagnosed by a medical professional before taking any steps.

Having one or more of these signs might mean you are depressed.

1.   Si Becomes King

In case you didn’t know, the ENTP uses the introverted sensing function as its inferior function. When depressed, their Si takes over.

This change makes the ENTP more nitpicky. They also remember and relive past traumatic experiences and mistakes. Thus, they might spend their nights beating themselves up. They can remain stuck in this loop for a long period when depressed.

This also happens when they’re unhealthy. The difference is the length of time they stay in this loop.

2.   Mean and Extremely Critical

ENTPs are not mean. Usually, they debate and might even rip your beliefs to shreds. Yet, they really don’t do it to hurt others or say hurtful words in the process.

Depressed ENTPs go a step further. When challenged, their aim is to draw blood (hurt). Seeing others hurt makes them happy. If left unchecked, things can escalate pretty quickly.

They might also become extremely critical of others. This is true even when unnecessary.

3.   Excessive Laziness

A depressed ENTP will be extremely lazy. It’s important to draw a distinction between complacency and laziness. With complacency,  normal ENTPs are serial procrastinators who attempt to rush through projects at the last minute.

Depressed ENTPs won’t bother to even do their tasks. In their heads, they might think life is hopeless, so why bother? Other times, they simply will have a lack of motivation or desire to carry them out.

4.   Substance Abuse and Other Vices

Depressed ENTPs are aware that something is wrong. To distract themselves, they might turn to other equally dangerous vices.

At the top of that list is substance abuse. If left unchecked, addiction can easily become an issue. When that happens, we’ve got a real problem on our hands.

5.   Going Through the Motions

A depressed ENTP will lose focus on what’s important. Remember how we always say that ENTPs are big-picture people or visionaries? That all goes out of the window.

They simply go through the motions (wake up, eat, play video games, and sleep). This also has other implications for their personal health, as we shall soon see.

The bottom line is that the depressed ENTP is usually stuck in a loop they can’t escape from.

6.   Overly Argumentative

ENTPs are debaters. This means they enjoy mental sparring. However, they do this to learn even when they are playing devil’s advocate.

However, a depressed ENTP will be overly argumentative. The problem is that the arguments will be aimed at bringing others down and not learning.

It will also be more intense than a typical ENTP’s arguments. Thus, they might scream at the other person or openly mock them.

This trait has to be in combination with other signs to conclude the ENTP is depressed. Otherwise, it’s just a sign of unhealthiness.

7.   Hyperactive

Some ENTPs, especially ENTP 8w7s, do not take vulnerability lightly. Thus, there’s a tendency to hide their depression. The easiest way to do this is by being hyperactive in public.

Thus, you might not notice the chaos that’s happening underneath. It will all come crashing down when they are in the comfort of their beds at night.

If the ENTP doesn’t open up, it can have disastrous consequences.

8.   Breakdown of Hygiene

This follows the point of going through the motions. A depressed ENTP will struggle with good hygiene. They might have unkempt beards, take fewer showers, and neglect their teeth.

They might also spend a lot of time in bed. Their rooms will be scattered, and they might have food half-eaten on the floor.

This also happens to a lesser degree when they are unhealthy. When depressed, it will last for a longer period.

While ENTPs are not the cleanest people, it’s usually not that bad.

9.   Overly Impulsive

ENTPs are perceivers. So, there’s an element of living in the moment or impulsiveness. It goes into overdrive if they have a mood disorder.

They make extremely reckless decisions that can damage their lives. If they are already spontaneous, this might not be too noticeable. However, if it’s an ENTP 6w5, for example, then it becomes very noticeable.

10.                Social Withdrawal

Finally, another sign could be social withdrawal. A depressed ENTP can cut others off and simply refuse to socialize. As you have noticed, there’s also hyperactiveness on this list.

It all depends on the type of ENTP. For example, an ENTP 4w5 is more likely to withdraw when depressed, while an ENTP 7w8 is more likely to be hyperactive.

Seeing that ENTP 7w8s are more common than ENTP 4w5, it can be said that it is more likely for ENTPs to be hyperactive when depressed.

Other symptoms of depression are similar across all MBTI types. You can click that link to learn more.

What Causes Depression for ENTPs?


Failing at a life goal can mess up an ENTP. It can make them feel worthless or helpless. When that happens, it’s easy for depression to set in.

Death of a Loved One

Losing someone they really love or respect can really hurt the ENTP. ENTPs usually make peace with the fact that people will die. The problem is when it happens unexpectedly or too soon.

Disappointing Others

There are people that ENTPs respect. When they disappoint these people, they might feel really guilty. This can see them slump into their inferior Si grip. That can be the start of a prolonged depression.

Traumatic Experience

ENTPs with traumatic experiences can become depressed. For example, people with past experiences with bullying or tragic accidents can easily fall into this category.

How to Recover From Depression As an ENTP

1.   Self-Care

A good self-help remedy is self-care. This is the time to do all the things you enjoy. You could read more or do some research on a curious concept or event.

If you’re struggling to find self-care activities for ENTP, this article might help.

2.   Get a New Hobby

Another way to help fight depression is to get yourself a good hobby. Thankfully, as ENTPs, we know exactly what we like even when we tell ourselves otherwise.

So, do some research and come up with something good. Just ensure that it’s not a destructive hobby.

3.   Seek Medical Assistance

The best step is to seek medical assistance. You need it to get properly diagnosed and to start recovery.

So, if you feel you have clinical depression, you should get help right away. However, if you feel you’re just burnt out, following some self-remedies listed here might be all you need.

4.   Therapy

Getting help from a qualified therapist in conjunction with medical help can work wonders. Strategies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can change a lot of things.

It’s certainly something worth trying.

5.   Be Vulnerable

ENTPs like to seem unbothered or unruffled. This also applies when they are depressed. They do not want others to think they are vulnerable. This is especially true of the ENTP 8w7.

Hence, they use distractions, as mentioned above. However, the problem is that not being vulnerable prevents others from helping you. When you’re depressed, you need all the help you can get.

So, practice being vulnerable. Start with the one person you believe wants the very best for you.

6.   Learn More About Yourself

Finally, learn more about yourself. You can do this by learning more about your MBTI and enneagram type. There are a lot of resources on this website that can help.

So, check them out. Learning more about yourself can help you identify your triggers and strengths. That can help you deal better with depression. It can even aid recovery.

How to Cheer up a Depressed ENTP

1.   Be There For Them

Your number one job is to be there for your ENTP. It’s important that you don’t pity them or assume you know what they’re going through.

Just be there for them. Listen when they tell you how you feel. Try not to offer up solutions. Most depressed ENTPs just want to rant when they open up. If you know their love language, show them love this way.

2.   But Give Them Space

While you are there for them, give them space. Let your ENTP breathe. This is not the time to be clingy. Understand that even a depressed ENTP likes to be alone.

So, ensure that you’re close enough but not too close. As with all things in life, you need to have a balance in your approach.

3.   Know When To Force Them to Get Help

If things escalate, it might be time to get them some help. Make sure you let them know in a firm way that they need to get help.

Getting them help largely depends on the laws and policies guiding your jurisdiction.

4.   Persuade Them To Try New Things

Finally, ensure they are always trying new things. ENTPs are curious people. Seeking new adventures is a great way to keep them energized. Just don’t overdo it, and you might get a breakthrough.

A depressed ENTP is not the end of the world. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. You just need to grab it.

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