ESTJ vs ESTP- How Can You Tell Them Apart?


If you’ve ever wondered how ESTJs and ENTPs are different, then you’re not alone. These are two personalities that are often mistaken for each other. If you take the MBTI test and have similar results, you may be confused as to where you’d fall. So, that’s why we have gone for the ESTJ vs ESTP debate today

If you observe closely, you’d see that there are several differences between these personalities. In this article, we will explore these differences fully.

What is the difference between ESTJ and ESTP?

One major difference between these personalities is their manner of processing information. ESTJs are more critical and evaluative when making decisions, but ESTPs jump on the first thought that crosses their mind.

ESTJs like to think thoroughly and evaluate all their options before deciding. However, ESTPs make decisions and act on things without pausing and reflecting on the consequences of their actions.

ESTJ vs ESTP- Cognitive functions

ESTJs and ESTPs are very different when it comes to cognitive functions. These cognitive functions affect the way they process information, that is, the way they think, feel, sense things, and trust their instincts.

How do these cognitive functions differ with these personalities? Let’s find out.

Extroverted ThinkingExtroverted Sensing
Introverted SensingIntroverted Thinking
Extroverted IntuitionExtroverted Feeling
Introverted FeelingIntroverted Intuition

From the table above, you’d quickly observe that both personalities share no cognitive functions. They are all inverted and in different positions.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s look at them deeply.

Te vs Se

ESTJs have extraverted thinking as their first cognitive function, while ESTPs have extraverted sensing as their first cognitive function.

ESTJs use logic and objective information when it comes to making decisions. They don’t involve emotions or sentiments. If you want someone to make objective and impartial decisions, look for an ESTJ. With this logic at their disposal, they can arrange their thoughts and goals quickly.

They are also very practical and love learning about concepts that have immediate uses.

ESTPs, on other other hand, use extroverted sensing. This allows them to take in the world through their five sense.

Thus, ESTPs can pick on things that happen in their environment better than pretty much every other personality type.

Si vs Ti

ESTJs remember every little detail. They can remember past events vividly and accurately, which helps them to make better-informed choices. They connect past and present experiences so well to form their beliefs.

Because of this, they feel more comfortable with familiarity instead of novelty. They take a lot of time to adapt to changes. They love getting used to habits and routines. This helps them to be stable but also makes them stubborn at times.

ESTPs are very rational when it comes to decision-making because of Introverted thinking. However, it’s not easy to notice because this part of themselves is introverted.

They are self-disciplined and love thinking and working independently to achieve a goal.

Furthermore, ESTPs are very observant people. They notice tiny details that others may tend to overlook or ignore. This is very helpful when processing information or deducing facts. It helps them to come up with practical and immediate solutions easily.

Extraverted Intuition vs Extroverted Feeling

For ESTJs, extraverted intuition helps them to seek out new possibilities and try out new ideas in uncomfortable areas. It forces them to explore their creativity when they get too comfortable on a level.

When they process new information and act on new ideas, they explore patterns and connect experiences to form their beliefs which they stand by relentlessly. Extroverted intuition also means that they are not afraid to express how they feel.

They see information and realize that there may be more than one possible interpretation to it.

ESTPs have extroverted feelings because they thrive on creating good relationships with people and fostering social harmony. Their extroverted feeling allows them to be compassionate and understand the problems that others might be facing.

Introverted Feeling vs Introverted Intuition

ESTJ uses introverted feeling as their last function. This means that ESTJs often have some values that have been internalized.

It also means that ESTJs see problems others face through a mirror of themselves. By doing this, they can fully understand how they feel and be supportive.

For ESTPs, Introverted intuition allows them to make connections between events using their gut instincts. With that, they can predict what might happen next. However, because they use it as their last function, this might not be as strong as INTJs or INFJs.

ESTJ vs ESTP- Relationships and Love


ESTJs are very clear about what they want from the beginning. Their relationships and mode of communication don’t change as they move from one phase to another because they’re usually open with each other from the start.

When they outline the basis of their relationship, their partner is more likely to follow suit, leading to strong relationships.

Challenges will certainly arise, but ESTJs will fight tooth and nail to ensure that they work on their differences.

Now, many people don’t believe this because ESTJs sound stale. But they can be very fun when around people they are comfortable with. They love hanging out with their partners and having fun, although they’d prefer to go to familiar places instead of trying out new ones.

However, ESTJs have troubles with emotional intimacy. Because they are so used to separate emotions from facts, they don’t know how to fully express themselves romantically.

The natural partners of the ESTJs are the INTP or the ISTP. However, any two mature people can make a relationship work.

ESTJs are very likely to have acts of service and quality time among their two love languages.


ESTPs are fun dating partners. They have a never-ending list of hobbies and activities because of their social engagements, and they always encourage their partners to join. ESTPs are particularly good at surprising their partners

However, ESTPs find it hard to move their relationships to deeper or more emotionally intimate levels. They require constant excitement because they easily get bored, thus exposing them to risks.

If their partners can’t keep up, they may be tempted to get another person. It’s not like they intentionally want to cheat from the beginning. They just hate pretending that everything is alright in a relationship when it really isn’t.

The natural partners of the ESTP are the ISFJ and ISTJ. However, any two mature people can make the relationship work. ESTPs are likely to have gifts and acts of service among their love languages.

ESTJ vs ESTP- Population count

According to The Career Planner, ESTJs make up about 8.7% of the world’s population. ESTPs, on the other hand, are fewer as they make up only 4% of the population.

ESTJ vs ESTP- Enneagram Types


Most ESTJ identify as type 8. Almost all of these people have been identified as type 8 wing 7. Seeing that their most dominant cognitive function is extraverted thinking, it comes as no surprise.

This makes ESTJs very ambitious people. They love being in control, whether at home or work. They feel more comfortable when they are in positions of power influence at work, home, or even in their relationships.

Some ESTJs can be type 3s, but this is quite rare.


Most ESTPs identify as type 8 as well. The majority identify as type 8 wing 7, while the rest identify as type 8 wing 9. This doesn’t come as a surprise seeing that their dominant cognitive function is extroverted thinking.

ESTPs have a set of balanced cognitive functions, which is why they can relentlessly pursue their goals.

ESTP can also be type 7s and type 3s.

ESTJ vs ESTP- In the workplace and their career


ESTJs are very ambitious people, so they grow fast in their careers. They deliver clever results consistently, so it doesn’t take long for people at work to notice their skills. When rules are placed, ESTJs ensure that they are followed strictly and everything is done according to standard.

When people try to cut corners or run away from responsibilities, ESTJs get upset. They are hard-working and are willing to do things by the book.

Best Careers for ESTJs

Here are some careers options for ESTJs

  • Insurance agent
  • Real estate agent
  • Chef
  • Attorney
  • Judge
  • School principal
  • Pharmacist
  • Dentist
  • Database administrator
  • Police officer
  • Physician
  • Factory supervisor

Worst Careers for ESTJs

Here are some careers to avoid

  • Artist
  • Writer
  • Musician
  • Graphic designer
  • Child care provider
  • Social worker


It’s super easy to spot an ESTP in the workplace. They are fun-loving and enjoy spontaneity. They’d handle problems and tell stories about the process afterward, thus easing the tension off everyone.

They might handle certain problems better, but they adapt easily and find a way to meander any situation.

However, most ESTPs have a problem with being subordinates, and everyone on the career ladder has to be a subordinate at some point. Although they can exercise restraint and work under authority, they hate having rules forced down their throats.

They love experimenting and improvising, so if their workplace restricts them, they get frustrated and bored.

Best Careers for ESTPs

Here are some career options for ESTPs

  • Land developer
  • Building inspector
  • Paramedic
  • Civil engineer
  • Fitness instructor
  • Stockbroker
  • Police officer
  • Military officer
  • Photographer
  • Bartender
  • Chef

Careers ESTPs Should Avoid

Here are some careers to avoid

  • Writer
  • Librarian
  • Clergy
  • Chemist
  • Physician assistant
  • Chemical engineer
  • Market researcher
  • Animator
  • Preschool teacher


ESTJ vs ESTP- Childhood


It’s super easy to spot an ESTJ child. They are goal-oriented and responsible, even from a tender age. It doesn’t matter their status or the position they are in the family. They are willing to go the extra mile to keep other children in line.

These children love order and structure. If you give them a set of rules with or without incentives, they will follow it to the latter. They hate flouting rules and order, especially if it was given by someone they love or respect.

As with all ESTJs, these children think logically. Unlike other kids, they don’t involve sentiments and emotions when making decisions. They are very practical and objective.


These children are fun to be with. They are often full of energy and excitement, and willing to push themselves despite the limits surrounding them. Their fun and smiles are often contagious.

ESTP children always make jokes to entertain those around them. They have massive energy reserves and always want to try out new things.

Regardless, they turn out to be amazing problem solvers. They are quite impulsive and curious. Their hands go on anything their eyes and ears lay on.

They are also more disciplined by their parents because of their unwarranted curiosity. ESTP children are often outlets for their parents’ frustration, anger, and sometimes, abuse. This can damage their self-image and plant seeds of frustration.

ESTJ vs ESTP- Dealing with as breakup


Despite seeming strong and tough, ESTJs have a soft spot. This helps them to commit to a relationship and do all they can to make that relationship work. They take commitments, whether in a romantic or social relationship, seriously.

When a relationship fails, they take the blame on themselves. They try to bring out logical reasons why the relationships won’t work and what role they played.

They know that it will take time for them to move on and get over the person, which is why they try so hard to make things work and amend things.

When it’s obvious that things can’t work out and they move on, they absorb themselves in future events.


Breakups affect ESTPs deeply. They will feel rejected and undervalued if someone dumps them. They will try to make things work, especially if they sense that it’s their fault, or at least try to convince their partner to not end things.

But when there’s no hope, they will move on by finding distractions and engaging with other people. 

So, are you an ESTJ or an ESTP?

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